Vision – Advancing combat burn trauma care for the warfighter

Military Burn Research Program Booklet Cover Image
» Click on Image to View Program Booklet

Military Burn Research Program Strategic Plan Cover Image
» Click on Image to View Strategic Plan

Military Burn Research Program Program Summary Sheet Cover Image
» Click on Image to View Program Summary Sheet

The Military Burn Research Program (MBRP) was initiated in 2011 to address capability gaps in the treatment of combat-associated burn injuries. These gaps were identified by the Combat Casualty Care Research Program (CCCRP) and cover treatment of burns at the point of injury through early convalescence.

Combat burn injuries are devastating and often more severe than burns incurred in the civilian setting. This is due to the high incidence of concurrent traumatic injuries. The majority of combat-associated burns result from explosive device detonation, leading to a greater Injury Severity Score, inhalation injuries, and a larger full-thickness burn size.1 Due to the polytraumatic nature of combat-associated injuries, burn-injured Service Members often must receive treatment for fractures, amputations, toxic smoke inhalation, and/or traumatic brain injury. This multi-traumatic assault complicates the treatment of burn injuries as it places additional burden on the innate immune response and, thus, increases the risk of life-threatening infections and organ failure.

MBRP-funded projects seek to use innovative approaches that close current gaps in burn trauma care through clinical and translational research. The knowledge and technology achieved through the funded studies promises to deliver new standards of care for the treatment of burn injuries. MBRP-funded research is expected to greatly impact both Service Members and the general public.

MBRP Stakeholders Meeting

In May 2022, the MBRP held a Stakeholders Meeting to provide an opportunity for scientific, clinical, and military experts, as well as lived-experience subject matter experts, to engage in an open-forum dialogue. Stakeholders identified critical knowledge and capability gaps, as well as underfunded areas, in military burn science and clinical care. Below are the FY22 MBRP Stakeholders Book, meeting summary and stakeholder-identified gaps, and presentation slides from federal funding partners.

  • FY22 Peer Military Burn Research Program Stakeholders Meeting Booklet
  • FY22 Military Burn Research Program Stakeholders Meeting Summary and Presentations

  • 1Kauver DS, Cancio LC, Wolf SE, et al. 2006. Comparison of combat and non-combat burns from ongoing US military operations. J Surg Res 132:195-200.

    Congressional Appropriations Icon

    Congressional Appropriations

    • $88 million
    • $10 million

    Funding Summary Icon


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    Last updated Monday, March 17, 2025