CDMRP funding cycle

To ensure both scientific excellence and programmatic relevance, the CDMRP administers a two-tier review process consisting of peer and programmatic review. This process was recommended by the National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine to enable a focus on targeted program goals while also capturing the traditional strengths of existing peer review systems.

CDMRP specifically tailors detailed peer and programmatic review criteria for each award mechanism, and those criteria are clearly outlined in the published funding opportunity announcements. Reviewers at both tiers follow the published criteria to direct their reviews. An application must be favorably reviewed by both levels of the two-tier review system to be funded, and this partnership is a key element of the CDMRP review process.

Peer Review Programmatic Review
Peer and programmatic review panels are composed of scientists, clinicians, consumers from advocacy communities, members of the military and other specialists as applicable to the award mechanism and program area. Consumers serve as full voting members and play a major role in maintaining the focus of the respective program on research that is relevant and has the potential to make a significant impact on the community affected.

For some funding opportunities, an additional programmatic pre-application screening process is used prior to application submission to focus resources, including those of the applicant, the reviewers, and the program, on proposed projects that best meet the intent of the award mechanism. Investigators of favorably reviewed pre-applications are then invited to submit full applications.

The following review process is used to evaluate each full application submitted to the CDMRP:

CDMRP Review Process