Vision – Improve glioblastoma patient survival and reduce adverse impact on Service Members, Veterans, their Families and the American public

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results, or SEERS, Program, glioblastoma affects three persons per 100,000 in the United States annually, making this cancer the most common type of brain cancer. The NCI Center for Cancer Research reports that glioblastoma is highly aggressive with a median survival of 15-18 months while SEERS data demonstrates that only 6.2% of patients survive five years post diagnosis. Studies continue to demonstrate a higher incidence of brain cancer among Service Members and the VA recently established brain cancers, including glioblastoma, as presumptive conditions associated with military service.
The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024 provided $10 million for a Glioblastoma Research Program, or GBMRP, managed by the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs. The CDMRP previously funded research for glioblastoma through other research programs, the FY24 appropriation creates a stand-alone program to fund research for this type of brain cancer.
The CDMRP uses a community-driven process to identify and fund high-impact research. Consistent with CDMRP's program management processes, the GBMRP will solicit stakeholders for input on priority research areas for glioblastoma. Representatives from across glioblastoma and related communities, such as academia, industry, military, Veteran, and other government and patient organizations, will have the opportunity to share perspectives on the major research and knowledge gaps in the field. Their input will help identify strategies for the new GBMRP and approaches with the greatest potential to improve glioblastoma patient outcomes.
Those interested in learning more about the upcoming GBMRP stakeholder meeting and all GBMRP communications are encouraged to subscribe for program email notifications at the following webpage:
FY24 GBMRP Stakeholders Meeting Summary and Gaps
Congressional Appropriations
- $10 million
Peer Review Participants
Last updated Wednesday, February 5, 2025