Vision – A time when post-traumatic epilepsy is prevented or optimally managed

Epilepsy Program Cover Image
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Epilepsy Research Program Cover Image
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ERP Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Brief
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ERP Glitz Sheet
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ERP Virtual P-TERC Glitz Sheet
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The ERP was initiated in 2015 to support longitudinal epidemiological research to better understand the incidence of post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to improve patient care and outcomes. The ERP is committed to funding research projects that (1) investigate topics related to epileptogenesis for the identification of mechanisms by which brain injury produces epilepsy, (2) study the prevention of PTE and concomitant comorbidities, and (3) develop innovative research tools or biomarkers to better detect, diagnose, or predict the development of PTE. To this end, the ERP utilizes Focus Areas that applications should address to drive investment into specific program priority areas.

The anticipated FY23 ERP Focus Areas are as follows:

  • Markers and Mechanisms
    Identifying biomarkers or mechanisms of PTE, which may include the following:
    • Predictive biomarkers of epileptogenesis (acute and chronic)
    • Research into the prevention of epilepsy and/or seizures

  • Epidemiology
    Epidemiological characterization of PTE following traumatic brain injury (TBI), which may include the following:
    • Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or caregivers
    • Predictors of the development of epilepsy
    • Outcomes, including latency to and prevention of epilepsy, comorbidities, and mortality

  • Longitudinal Studies
    Studies of the evolution of PTE, which may include the following:
    • Understanding and improving the quality of life of individuals with PTE, their families, and/or caregivers
    • Treatment and healthcare outcomes research, including quality of care
    • Natural history of PTE and prognosis
    • Comorbidities (e.g., depression, functional deficits, sleep disorders, major illness)

  • Innovative Research
    Tools intended to better inform or improve upon post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) research and care, which may include the following:
    • Strategies that will improve seizure detection, characterization, visualization, or diagnosis
    • Development of new models or better characterization of existing etiologically relevant models for PTE

Congressional Appropriations

Congressional Appropriations

  • $73.5 million
  • $12 million



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Last updated Wednesday, July 10, 2024