Consumer Involvement

I’m a former United States Marine Corps (USMC) infantryman and was wounded in an improvised explosive device (IED) blast in Marjah, Afghanistan while conducting combat operations against the Taliban. The blast resulted in the loss of both my right leg below the knee, and my right elbow, ultimately resulting in my right arm being permanently fused at 30 degrees. I recovered at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and after a total of 45 surgeries, I was able to walk unassisted again in 4 months and was running in 8 months. Upon retiring from the USMC, I went to Assumption University and received my bachelor’s degree in history, with two minors, one in political science and the other in law and Constitutional ethics, and I am currently in the process of attending law school.

In my free time, I run endurance events like Spartan Races. In 2014, I became the first amputee to complete the New England Fitness Challenge, a 24-hour endurance event held at Gillette Stadium.
I heard about the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, and was subsequently recruited as a reviewer for the Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program. I was able to participate as a peer reviewer in late 2020. What excites me most about the program is the amount of knowledge I’m being exposed to and the ability to participate in the process of getting a first look at some amazing proposals that will eventually become something that will enhance the lives of those living with similar injuries and circumstances like mine. It is incredible to see some of the projects that are being put forth for funding in this program, and the realization that my input means something to these research teams. I’m grateful that I’m able to provide my insights to the program in hopes that it can go on to benefit and assist others in my situation.
Last updated Thursday, December 5, 2024