"It is intellectually challenging and a big commitment. But that is part of what I like so much about serving as a Peer Reviewer: it's hard work but you come away from it feeling as if you have made a significant contribution; it is incredibly rewarding."

- Linnea Duff, LCRP
Program Cover Image

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The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) welcomes patients, survivors, family members, and advocates to play a pivotal role in the future of biomedical research funding. To transform healthcare for our Service members and the American public, the CDMRP looks to those who have the most experience, who understand the effects of a disease, an injury, or a condition - the individuals (consumers) living with breast cancer, orthopaedic injury, Parkinson's disease, etc. By integrating patients, survivors, family members and/or care takers into the scientific review process, the CDMRP is able to enrich the scientific review with personal perspective, passion, and a sense of urgency that ensures the human dimension is incorporated in the research focus. Over 2,000 consumers have served as Peer and Programmatic reviewers since 1995. By partnering with consumers, the CDMRP strives to find and fund collaborative research that discovers, develops, and delivers health care solutions for Service members, Veterans, and the America public.

Contact Information

Questions concerning consumer involvement can be addressed to the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs at:

ATTN: Consumer Recruitment
1077 Patchel Street
Fort Detrick, MD 21702-5024
Phone: 301-619-7071

Last updated Tuesday, March 4, 2025