Program Requirements

Shelley Hendrix-Reynolds "The structure of the CDMRP is revolutionary in all the medical programs it hosts and is shifting the paradigm by allowing citizens to express themselves on equal footing with those seeking cures and treatments. As a parent, provider, researcher, clinician, or especially a person with autism, your voice matters and you can make a difference."

- Shelley Hendrix-Reynolds, ARP
Alcohol & Substance Use Disorders (ASUD) Person living with or a family member of an individual with an alcohol and or substance use disorder with a concurrent PTSD and/or TBI.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Person living with, family member or caregiver of an individual with ALS.
Autism Person living with or a family member of a person living with autism spectrum disorder.
Bone Marrow Failure Person living with or a parental caregiver of a person living with a bone marrow failure disease or condition.
Breast Cancer Survivor or person living with breast cancer.
Chronic Pain Management Individuals who have experienced injuries or illnesses resulting in chronic pain, as indicated by pain occurring on at least half the days for 6 months or more. Examples of such conditions would be musculoskeletal injuries and disorders, neurological diseases and conditions, tick-borne and other vector-borne diseases, other tropical or insect-transmitted diseases, and cancers.
Combat Readiness-Medical Consumers may be active duty or veteran Service Members who have received training in self-aid/buddy aid, combat life saver, combat medic, or other individuals with training/experience in echelon level I-II care. May also be a combat-wounded individual. Civilian first responders or emergency managers trained to respond to traumas or mass casualty events where immediate evacuation may not be available will also be considered.
Defense Medical Research and Development Program Person living with or family member/caregiver of a person living with a condition(s) directly relevant to military service such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, orthopedic injuries, visual impairment, infectious diseases, and other conditions and ailments directly relevant to battlefield injuries that affect Service Members, Veterans and their family members. Practitioners such as combat medics may be considered.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Person living with or a family member of a person living with DMD.
Epilepsy Persons with military service living with, or family members/caregivers of a person living with, post-traumatic epilepsy. Persons without military service may be considered.
Hearing Restoration Person living with auditory system injuries, such as hearing loss related to military service.
Kidney Cancer Person living with kidney cancer or Caregivers may be considered.
Lung Cancer Survivor, person living with, family member or caregiver of an individual with lung cancer.
Lupus Person living with lupus.
Melanoma Person living with melanoma/survivor. Family members/caregivers may be considered.
Military Burn A survivor of traumatic burn injuries sustained in combat, or Military health care providers (ex: combat medic; pararescue; nurse; physician assistant) experienced in combat-relevant burn care. Burn survivors not injured while in the line of duty but with relevant Military experience may be considered.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Person living with MS.
Neurofibromatosis (NF) Person living with or a family member of a person living with NF1, NF2, or Schwannomatosis.
Orthopaedic Person living with an orthopaedic injury associated with military service - military or veteran. Practitioners may be considered.
Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Individuals living with a traumatic extremity injury as a result of military service resulting in limb impairment and/or limb loss, and who are using orthotic and/or prosthetic devices. The consumer reviewer may also be a health care provider such as a prosthetist, orthotist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or other health care provider who works with extremity injury and understands the military and/or veteran health care systems. Caregivers and/or practitioners may also be considered.
Ovarian Cancer Survivor of or a person living with ovarian cancer.
Pancreatic Cancer Survivor or person living with pancreatic cancer. Family members/caregivers will be considered.
Parkinson s Persons living with Parkinson s Disease or their family members/caregivers. Individuals with military experience preferred.
Alzheimer's Person living with, family member, or care partner of a person living with Alzheimer s disease, mild cognitive impairment, or any Alzheimer s disease-related dementia.
Peer Reviewed Cancer Survivor of cancers listed in the program announcements (not including breast, prostate, ovarian or lung cancers). Additionally, family members for pediatric cancer topic areas will be considered.
Peer Reviewed Medical A survivor or person living with, or caregiver of a person living with, a disease or condition related to one of the program's Congressionally directed topic areas. Public health and healthcare providers working with the affected population may be considered.
Prostate Cancer Survivor of or person living with prostate cancer.
Rare Cancers Survivor of or a person living with or a family member of a person living with a rare cancer.
Reconstructive Transplant Research Person who has sustained a traumatic injury resulting in tissue or limb loss or impairment, reconstructive surgeries, or composite tissue transplants (i.e., hand/arm, face). The following may be considered on a case-by-case basis: health care professionals or caregivers of the aforementioned patient population, organ transplant recipients.
Scleroderma Person living with or a family member of a person living with scleroderma.
Spinal Cord Injury Person living with or a family member/caregiver of a person living with a spinal cord injury associated with military service. Persons with non-military-related spinal cord injury will be considered.
Tick-Borne Disease Survivor of or person living with Lyme Disease or other tick-borne illnesses. Caregivers may be considered.
Toxic Exposures Consumers may be active duty or Veteran Service Members living with or family member/caregiver of an active duty or veteran service member living with a disease or condition due to toxic exposures associated with military service.
Traumatic Brain Injury/Psychological Health Consumers may be Service Members, Veterans, and civilians who have lived experience with traumatic brain injury and/or psychological health conditions. The TBI may have been sustained in combat, military training, or civilian-related activities. For psychological health, military-associated trauma is strongly preferred. Consumers may also be family members and/or caregivers for individuals with TBI and/or psychological health conditions. Military medical providers may be considered.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Person living with or a family member of a person with TSC.
Vision Person living with or a family member/caregiver of a person living with military-relevant ocular trauma or TBI-associated visual dysfunction. Persons with military service living with service-connected loss of sight or low vision. Persons with non-service connected vision loss may be considered.

Last updated Wednesday, March 5, 2025