Released: February 4, 2022

Department of Defense
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program
Anticipated Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22)

The Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. Although FY22 funds have not been appropriated for the Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP), the OPORP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY22 funding opportunities. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government.

The FY22 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP) to support research that evaluates orthoses and/or prostheses using patient-centric outcomes relevant to Service Members and military beneficiaries, Veterans and other individuals with limb loss and/or limb impairment. The managing agent for the anticipated program announcements/funding opportunities is the CDMRP at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC).

The OPORP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to the anticipated FY22 funding opportunities. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government. The FY22 OPORP funding opportunity announcements for the following award mechanisms will be posted on the website. Pre-application and application deadlines will be available when the announcements are released.

The vision of the OPORP is to ensure the highest possible quality of life for our Service Members, Veterans, and beneficiaries through the advancement of knowledge in orthotics and prosthetics-related research. The OPORP supports research on outcomes-based best practices through analysis of prosthetic and/or orthotic device options that are currently available, and not on the development of new devices or the improvement of an existing technology. Projects involving spinal orthoses, pediatric populations, or analysis of short-term use devices will not be considered for the FY22 OPORP.

Applications submitted to the FY22 OPORP must address one or more of the following Strategic Goals: 

  • Optimize patient-specific technology prescription for the Warfighter/Veteran. Applications submitted to this goal should focus on identifying optimal (1) devices and device characteristics, (2) human interface with devices, and/or (3) intuitive control systems, all grounded in an understanding of the requirements of patient-specific needs and the capabilities and limitation of available devices. 
  • Optimize patient-specific rehabilitation regimens for the Warfighter/Veteran. Applications submitted to this goal should address the cause and effect of an orthotic or prosthetic device on optimal type, timing, and dosing (e.g. duration, frequency, intensity) of rehabilitation for each individual in the context of each person's unique requirements and preferences. Efforts that also address the impact of provider competencies and patient training on the effectiveness of the rehabilitation regimen, as well as efforts to identify the best approaches to mitigate secondary health deficits, are encouraged. 
  • Support standardized assessment of patient outcomes related to prosthetics and orthotics. Applications submitted to this goal should seek to validate function and performance, community integration, and user satisfaction outcomes associated with various device properties and functional abilities. An important objective of this goal is to enhance the understanding of the outcomes that matter most for individuals living with orthotic and prosthetic devices. 

Award Mechanism Eligibility Key Mechanism Elements Funding
Clinical Research Award Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • Supports clinical research but not clinical trials.
  • Proposed clinical research projects may include (but are not limited to) methodologies and designs such as questionnaires, observational studies, or meta-analysis and systematic reviews that focus on outcomes related to the FY22 OPORP Strategic Goals.
  • Funding Level 1 supports pilot research studies that have the potential to make significant advancements toward clinical translation. Preliminary data are encouraged but not required for this Funding Level.
  • Funding Level 2 supports research that has the potential to make significant advancements toward clinical translation. Proposed projects may include large-scale studies that, if successful, will produce high-quality outcomes that provide strong support for evidence-based practice and/or have the potential to drive changes in clinical practice. Preliminary data and/or published data from the literature that are relevant to the orthotic and/or prosthetic device outcomes and support the rationale for the proposed research are required.
  • Preclinical studies using animals are not allowed.
Funding Level 1
  • Maximum funding of $350,000 for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
  • Maximum period of performance is 2 years

Funding Level 2

  • Maximum funding of $2 million (M) for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
  • Maximum period of performance is 4 years
Clinical Trial Award Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • Supports clinical trials with the potential to have a significant impact on improving the health and well-being of individuals with limb loss and/or limb impairment.
  • Funding Level 1 supports pilot and early-stage clinical trials that are exploratory and involve limited human exposure (e.g., small sample size) with the potential to make significant advancements toward clinical translation. Preliminary data, published or unpublished, are required.
  • Funding Level 2 supports large clinical trials with the potential to make significant advancements toward clinical translation. Proposed projects may include large-scale trials that, if successful, will produce high-quality outcomes with robust, statistically relevant participant numbers to provide strong, definitive support for evidence-based practice and/or have the potential to drive changes in clinical practice. Pragmatic clinical studies, randomized controlled trials, and comparative effectiveness studies are welcome and encouraged. Preliminary data relevant to the proposed clinical trial are required.
  • Preclinical research is not allowed.
Funding Level 1
  • Maximum funding of $350,000 for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
  • Maximum period of performance is years

Funding Level 2

  • Maximum funding of $4M for total costs (direct plus indirect costs)
  • Maximum period of performance is years

A pre-application is required and must be submitted through the electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (eBRAP) at prior to the pre-application deadline. All applications must conform to the final funding opportunity announcements that will be available for downloading from the website. The application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on A listing of all CDMRP and other USAMRDC extramural funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420. 

Submission deadlines are not available until the funding opportunity announcements are released. For email notification when announcements are released, subscribe to program-specific news and updates under “Email Subscriptions” on the eBRAP homepage at For more information about the OPORP or other CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website (

Point of Contact:

CDMRP Public Affairs

Last updated Friday, December 13, 2024

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