Released: February 24, 2014

Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Research Program
Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14)

The FY14 Defense Appropriations Act provides $20 million (M) to the Department of Defense Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP) to support innovative, high-impact ovarian cancer research. This program is administered by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) through the Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

The OCRP is providing the information in this pre-announcement to allow investigators time to plan and develop applications. FY14 OCRP Program Announcements and General Application Instructions for the following award mechanisms are anticipated to be posted on the website in March and April 2014. Pre-application and application deadlines will be available when the Program Announcements are released. This pre-announcement should not be construed as an obligation by the government. Funding is contingent on receipt of appropriations.

Award Mechanism PI Eligibility Key Mechanism Elements Funding
Clinical Translational Leverage Award Must be an independent investigator at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
  • Supports leveraging of human-based ovarian cancer resources in translational research to address high-impact research or unmet needs in ovarian cancer
  • Early-stage clinical trials are allowed; cost sharing is required for applications including a clinical trial
  • Pre-application is required; application is by invitation only
  • Maximum funding of $250,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance should not exceed 2 years
Investigator-Initiated Research Award Must be an independent investigator at or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
  • Supports meritorious basic and clinically oriented research in ovarian cancer
  • Impact is an important review criterion.
  • Preliminary data are required
  • Clinical trials are not allowed
  • Pre-application is required; application is by invitation only
  • Maximum funding of $450,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance should not exceed 3 years
Ovarian Cancer Academy Award - Early-Career Investigator Early-Career Investigator must be within the first 3 years of his/her first faculty position (or equivalent) at the time of submission. The first faculty position (or equivalent) may be either tenure-track or non-tenure track.

Designated Mentor must be an independent ovarian cancer researcher and at the same institution as the Early-Career Investigator.
  • Supports the addition of new Early-Career Investigators to the unique, interactive virtual academy that will provide intensive mentoring, national networking, and a peer group for junior faculty
  • Designated mentor who is an experienced ovarian cancer researcher with ovarian cancer funding is required for Early-Career Investigators
  • Preliminary data are required
  • Institutional match of $50,000 per year is required
  • Pre-application is required; application is by invitation only
  • Maximum funding of $725,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance of 5 years
Ovarian Cancer Academy Leadership Award Dean must be an established ovarian cancer researcher.

Embedded Assistant Dean must be an independent ovarian cancer research at a different institution from the Dean.
  • Supports visionary individuals who are established ovarian cancer researchers with a strong record of mentoring and commitment to leadership
  • Academy Dean, with Assistant Dean, will oversee the OCRP's interactive academy of 10-12 Early-Career Investigators and their designated mentors, facilitate regular interactive communication among all Academy members, and assess research progress and career progression of the Early-Career Investigators
  • Pre-application is required; application is by invitation only
  • Maximum funding of about $1,000,000 in direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • The Dean and Assistant Dean are expected to be partners in leading the Academy, and the direct cost funding should be divided accordingly
  • Period of performance is 5 years
Pilot Award Investigators at or above the postdoctoral level (or equivalent)
  • Supports conceptually innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will drive the field of ovarian cancer research forward
  • Innovation and Impact are important review criteria
  • Preliminary data are not required, but allowed
  • Clinical trials are not allowed
  • Pre-application is required; application submission is by invitation only
  • Maximum funding of $225,000 in direct costs with additional $75,000 for optional nested Teal Postdoctoral Scholar (plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance should not exceed 2 years

All applications must conform to the final Program Announcements and General Application Instructions that will be available for electronic downloading from the website. The application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on A listing of all USAMRMC funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420.

Applications must be submitted through the federal government's single-entry portal, Submission deadlines are not available until the Program Announcements are released. Requests for email notification of the Program Announcements release may be sent to Email notifications of funding opportunities are sent as a courtesy and should not be used as a sole source of notification; applicants should monitor for official postings of funding opportunities.

For more information about the OCRP or other CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website (

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