Released: April 15, 2010
Updated: May 12, 2010

Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program
Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2010

The Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10) Defense Appropriations Act provides $22.5 million (M) to the Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program (PRORP). The PRORP seeks to fund innovative, high-impact, clinically relevant research to advance optimal treatment and rehabilitation from musculoskeletal injuries sustained during combat or combat-related activities. This program is administered by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command through the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

The FY10 PRORP is pleased to announce the release of the Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Clinical Consortium Award. The Program Announcement/Funding Opportunity, including the intent of the award mechanism, eligibility, and submission deadlines and Application Instructions and General Information have been posted on the and CDMRP websites ( and, respectively).

The FY10 PRORP will offer an additional award mechanism, the Career Development Award, which is expected to be released in June.

Award Mechanism


Key Mechanism Elements


Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Clinical Consortium Award

Associate Professor or above (or equivalent)

  • Provides support to develop the collaborations, resources, and infrastructure necessary for a consortium of institutions to rapidly execute clinical studies
  • Overarching goals and studies must address improved rehabilitation of neuro-musculoskeletal injuries (including spine injuries, burns, and contractures, but excluding spinal cord injury)
  • All applications must have a direct relevance to orthopaedic injuries sustained during combat or combat-related activities
  • Requires collaboration with military treatment facilities to be named in the program announcement
  • Applications shall be submitted by a lead Coordinating Center and include associated clinical study sites
  • Preproposal is required; proposal submission is by invitation only

  • Maximum funding of $19.5M total (direct plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance up to 5 years
  • Anticipate 1 award

Career Development Award

Active duty military investigators with less than a total of 8 years of postdoctoral clinical or research experience (excluding clinical residency or fellowship training)

  • Provides support to military (active duty) investigators at an early career stage
  • Requires mentorship by an established, independent orthopaedic researcher
  • All applications must have a direct relevance to orthopaedic injuries sustained during combat or combat-related activities
  • Applications must address at least one of the PRORP-identified focus areas as listed in the program announcement
  • Proposed research must be clinically relevant
  • Letter of intent is required

  • Maximum funding of $225K for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
  • Period of performance up to 3 years
  • Anticipate 2 awards

A pre-application (preproposal or letter of intent) is required and must be submitted through the CDMRP eReceipt website ( prior to proposal submission. Proposals must be submitted through the federal government's single-entry portal, Individual program announcements and required forms will also be found on the website.

Information in this press release regarding the Career Development Award is being provided to allow investigators time to plan and develop proposals. All proposals submitted must conform to the final program announcements, which will be posted on and the CDMRP website ( at a later date. The number of awards anticipated in each mechanism is based on available funds, average cost of proposals, and quality of proposals received. The PRORP reserves the right to make awards in greater or lesser numbers than anticipated.

Requests for email notification of the release of program announcements may be sent to For more information about the PRORP or other CDMRP-sponsored programs, please visit the CDMRP website (

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