Released: July 2, 2009
Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program
Funding for Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09)
Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) congressional appropriations (Public Law 110-329 and 111-32), provide $61 million
(M) and $51M, respectively, for a total appropriation of $112M to the Department of Defense Peer Reviewed
Orthopaedic Research Program (PRORP)to support innovative, high-impact, clinically relevant research to
advance treatment and rapid rehabilitation from musculoskeletal injuries sustained during military combat or
combat-related activities. This program is administered by the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
(USAMRMC) through the Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).
FY09 PRORP Program Announcements and Application Instructions & General Information for the following award
mechanisms are anticipated to be posted on in July 2009. Additional award mechanisms for the FY09 PRORP
will be announced in August 2009.
Award Mechanism |
Eligibility |
Key Mechanism Elements |
Funding |
Clinical Trial Award |
Assistant Professor or above (or equivalent) |
- Requires preproposal; preproposals will be screened and Principal Investigators (PIs) invited to submit
full proposals
- Provides for rapid execution of novel, patient-oriented research in Phase 0, Phase I, Phase II, Phase III
or combination clinical trials that will have a significant impact on acute or definitive care of military
combat-related orthopaedic injuries
- Research focus areas include: enhancement of the tissue environment for healing; prevention of
complications; restoration of joint function; and treatment of orthopaedic injuries (and sequelae) of the
spine not related to spinal cord injury
- Preliminary data are required
- Clinical trials are expected to be initiated within 12 months of the award date
- IND/IDE approval should be in place by June 30, 2010
- Career Development Associate Option: Additional funds may be requested to support the career
development of a junior investigator located at a military treatment facility
- Maximum funding of $2.5M for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- Period of performance 4 years
- Career Development Associate Option: Maximum funding of $2.725M for direct costs
(plus indirect costs)
- Anticipate 8 awards
Hypothesis Development Award |
Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent) |
- Requires letter of intent
- Funds the initial exploration of innovative, untested, potentially groundbreaking concepts in all areas
of orthopaedic research relevant to treatment and rehabilitation from military combat-related injuries
- Preliminary data are not expected
- Blinded review
- Funds to directly support clinical trials are excluded
- Maximum funding of $100K for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- Period of performance not to exceed 18 months
- Anticipate 14 awards
Idea Development Award |
Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent) |
- Requires preproposal; preproposals will be screened and PIs invited to submit full proposals
- Supports conceptually innovative, high-impact research from all areas of basic, translational, and
clinical research as they relate to the research focus areas
- Research focus areas include: enhancement of the tissue environment for healing; prevention of
complications; maintenance/enhancement of long-term socket performance/fit; solution of critical issues in
- Innovation is the most important review criterion
- Preliminary data are not required
- Funds to directly support clinical trials are excluded
- Maximum funding of $400K for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- Period of performance not to exceed 3 years
- Anticipate 6 awards
Technology Development Award |
All independent investigators |
- Requires preproposal; preproposals will be screened and PIs invited to submit full proposals
- Provides funding for improved technologies and resources to advance the field of research focused on
military combat-relevant orthopaedic injury and rehabilitative medicine
- Research focus areas include: development of in vivo translational models for the acute injury
environment and for restoration of joint function; maintenance/ enhancement of long-term socket
- Preliminary data are required
- Funds to directly support clinical trials are excluded
- Maximum funding of $2M for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- Period of performance not to exceed 4 years
- Anticipate 3 awards
Translational Research Partnership Award |
All independent investigators |
- Requires preproposal; preproposals will be screened and PIs invited to submit full proposals
- Multiple awards made per project
- Supports the development of multi-institutional, multidisciplinary translational research partnerships
between clinicians and laboratory scientists to accelerate the movement of promising research ideas into
clinical applications in a manner that would be less readily achievable through separate efforts
- Research focus areas include: restoration of joint function; orthopaedic injuries (and sequelae) of the
spine not related to spinal cord injury; acceleration of healing; development of a functional innervated
muscle for repair of soft tissue injury; solution of critical issues in osseointegration
- Preliminary data is required.
- Funds to directly support clinical trials are excluded
- Maximum funding of $750K for direct costs (plus indirect costs)
- Period of performance not to exceed 3 years
- Anticipate 3 awards
Information in this pre-announcement is being provided to allow investigators time to plan and develop
applications. The government reserves the right to make changes to the award mechanisms offered and the mechanism
elements if necessary. All applications must conform to the final Program Announcements and Application
Instructions & General Information that will be available for electronic downloading from the website in
July and August 2009. The application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be
found on A listing of all USAMRMC funding opportunities can be obtained on the website by
performing a basic search using CFDA Number 12.420.
A pre-application (letter of intent or preproposal) is required for all award mechanisms and must be submitted
through the CDMRP eReceipt website ( prior to application
submission. Applications must be submitted through the federal government's single-entry portal, Requests for email notification of the release of Program
Announcements may be sent to For more information about the
PRORP or other CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website
Point of Contact: