Released: June 3, 2009

Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program
Funding for Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09)

The Fiscal Year 2009 (FY09) Defense Appropriation Act provides for $16 million (M) to the Department of Defense (DOD) Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP) to research cancers not addressed in the breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer research programs currently executed by the DOD U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC).The funds provided are directed to be used to conduct research in the following areas:

  • $4M for research of melanoma and other skin cancers as related to deployments of service members to areas of high exposure;
  • $2M for research of pediatric brain tumors within the field of childhood cancer;
  • $8M for genetic cancer research and its relation to exposure to the various environments that are unique to a military lifestyle;
  • $2M for non-invasive cancer ablation treatment research including selective targeting with nanoparticles.

This program is administrated by the USAMRMC through the Office of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

FY09 PRCRP Program Announcements and Application Instructions for the following award mechanisms are anticipated to be posted on the website in June 2009.

Award Mechanism Topic Area Eligibility Key Mechanism Elements Funding
Mentor-Predoctoral Fellow Research Award Non-invasive cancer ablation treatment research
  • Mentor: At or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
  • Predoctoral Fellow: Graduate student enrolled in a Ph.D. program
  • Supports high-impact, innovative research that will drive the field forward
  • Innovation is the most important review criterion
  • Presentation of preliminary data is not required
  • Supports the training of promising graduate students studying non-invasive cancer ablation treatment, including selective targeting with nanoparticles, under the guidance of a designated mentor
  • Maximum funding of $475K ($375K plus $100K for the Predoctoral Fellow) for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • Period of performance not to exceed 3 years.
Concept Award
  • Non-invasive cancer ablation treatment research
  • Genetic cancer research and its relation to exposure to the various environments that are unique to a military lifestyle
Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • Supports the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory
  • Not intended to support a logical progression of an already established research project but, instead, supports high-risk studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new avenues for investigation
  • Maximum funding of $75K for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • Period of performance not to exceed 12 months.
Idea Award Genetic cancer research and its relation to exposure to the various environments that are unique to a military lifestyle Investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent)
  • Supports exceptionally talented, creative early-career scientists who have innovative, high-impact ideas or new technologies applicable to the topic area
  • Innovation is the most important review criterion
  • Presentation of preliminary data is not required
  • The proposed research should have a significant impact on the concepts or methods that drive the field of genetic research and its relation to exposures to the various environments that are unique to the military lifestyle
  • Maximum funding of $375K for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • Period of performance not to exceed 3 years.
New Investigator Award Genetic cancer research and its relation to exposure to the various environments that are unique to a military lifestyle Investigators at or below the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) who are within 3 years of having received first independent faculty position
  • Supports exceptionally talented, creative early-career scientists who have innovative, high-impact ideas or new technologies applicable to the topic area
  • Principal Investigator's (PI's) record of accomplishment will be evaluated regarding his/her potential for contributing to the topic area
  • Submission to this award mechanism strongly encourages a collaborator (or collaborators), appropriate to the application, with experience in the topic area
  • Maximum funding of $275K for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
  • Period of performance not to exceed 3 years.
Synergistic Idea Award Pediatric brain tumors within the field of childhood cancer research Requires at least two (up to four) independent investigators at or above the level of an Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
  • Supports innovative approaches to pediatric brain tumor research involving two to four independent, faculty-level (or equivalent) PIs
  • The combined efforts of the PIs should result in a level of productivity that is greater than that achievable by each PI working independently
  • Preliminary data is not required
  • The proposed research should have a significant impact on the concepts or methods that drive the field of pediatric brain tumor research
  • The maximum combined allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $1M in direct costs. The total award amount including direct and indirect costs cannot exceed $1.75M.
  • Period of performance not to exceed 3 years.
Collaborative Translational Science Award Melanoma and other skin cancers as related to deployments of service members to areas of high exposure Requires the input of at least two (up to three) independent investigators at or above the level of an Assistant Professor (or equivalent)
  • Encourages collaborations between clinicians and laboratory scientists that accelerate the movement of promising ideas in melanoma and other skin cancers into clinical applications
  • Supports preclinical studies in animal models and human subjects and human anatomical substances, correlative studies that are associated with an existing clinical trial
  • Of the two to three PIs, at least one must have experience either in melanoma/other skin cancer research or in melanoma/other skin cancer patient care
  • The maximum combined allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $750K in direct costs.
  • Period of performance not to exceed 5 years.

Information in this pre-announcement is being provided to allow investigators time to plan and develop proposals. All proposals must conform to the final Program Announcements and Application Instructions (including deadlines) that will be available for electronic downloading from the website in June 2009. The application package containing the required forms for each award mechanism will also be found on

A pre-application is required and must be submitted through the CDMRP eReceipt website ( prior to proposal submission. Proposals must be submitted through the federal government's single-entry portal, Requests for email notification of the release of the Program Announcements may be sent to". For more information about the PRCRP or other CDMRP-administered programs, please visit the CDMRP website (

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Last updated Thursday, December 5, 2024