The Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) presents a webinar series on types of funding opportunities offered and strategies to increase the success of applications submitted to different CDMRP programs. The first of these webinars scheduled is titled "Funding Opportunities and Strategies for Success" and will be posted on the CDMRP website. Viewers will learn how to find the latest CDMRP funding opportunities, how to navigate a program announcement (funding opportunity announcement) and use what they learn to create a competitive application. In addition, the webinar will introduce the two-tiered application review process, outline strategies for success, and review pitfalls in grant preparation. Future webinars will include information on funding opportunities focused on innovative studies, career development, team science, clinical trials, etc.


Webinar Schedule:

Webinar Title Summary* Posting Date** Video Archived
Funding Opportunities and Strategies for Success In this first of the CDMRP Funding Opportunities webinar series, viewers will learn how to find CDMRP funding opportunities, understand the process for applying, and identify tips for success as well as pitfalls in grant application design. 11-Feb 2019 View
High Risk/High Gain Funding Opportunities This webinar will walk through three categories of hypothesis-driven, high risk/high gain funding opportunities - Initial Concept Awards, Early Idea Awards, and Established Idea Awards. The key features associated with these categories, include innovation, impact, and research strategy and feasibility. In addition, the relevant peer and programmatic review criteria will be reviewed. 28-Feb 2019 View
Team Science Funding Opportunities The CDMRP funding opportunities that have a team science component are the focus of this webinar. The webinar will provide an overview of types of award mechanisms that encourage multiple investigators, key elements of team science program announcements, required application documents, and general guidance for applicants. 11-Mar 2019 View
Clinical Research and Clinical Trial Funding Opportunities The focus of this webinar will be CDMRP funding opportunities that support clinical research with emphasis placed on clinical trials. This webinar will highlight the difference between clinical research and clinical trials, key planning considerations for prospective human subject research (e.g. regulatory requirements), and application elements considered in peer and programmatic review of clinical research/trials. 25-Mar 2019 View
Funding Opportunities for the Development of Technology and/or Resources Application elements and key considerations for two types of funding opportunities will be presented. Viewers will learn about requirements for funding opportunities soliciting applications to support technology/therapeutics development for investigational device exemption and investigational new drug submissions. The webinar will also review important aspects of funding opportunities that support the development of research resources. 8-Apr 2019 View
Funding Opportunities for Early Career Investigators The focus of this webinar will be an overview of funding opportunities that target early career investigators and some of the unique criteria utilized in these funding opportunities. The target audience for this webinar includes, but is not restricted to, postdoctoral fellows, independent investigators (scientists and physician scientists) within 10 years of their terminal degree, and other investigators at comparable levels in their careers. 24-Apr 2019 View
Consortium-Type Funding Opportunities This webinar will review the main components of program announcements offered by CDMRP focused on establishing consortia for basic/applied research and/or clinical trials. It will offer guidance to help applicants better understand and respond to the primary components of the announcement and what is typically required across consortia funded by CDMRP. 8-May 2019 View

General CDMRP Videos

*The views expressed in the presentations are those of the author and may not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government.

**Posting dates subject to change.

Last updated Wednesday, March 19, 2025