Photo Copyright: David Handschuh
"I started Allergic Girl Resources because I'm committed to helping people with food allergies live safe, effective and joyous lives," said Sloane Miller, food allergy advocate and Founder and President of Allergic Girl Resources, Inc. (AGR).
Sloane has had food allergies since birth and developed environmental allergies in early childhood. "As an allergic girl, birthday parties and play dates were a challenge."
After devoting her professional career to the understanding of food allergies and developing successful practical techniques to help people who deal with them, Sloane started the award-winning blog, Please Don't Pass the Nuts, as a way to talk about food allergies.
"I wanted to share my experience and connect with other people with food allergies, as well as talk about what I was going through when dining out, traveling, and dating," Sloane said.
"Living with food allergies can be challenging - even scary. It can and should also be joyful. Reliable, clear information and support make the difference."
Through AGR, Sloane helps individuals and groups with food allergies and consults with food service and hospitality companies, restaurants, non-profit organizations and government agencies. She discusses topics and concerns including policies, best practices, and how best to understand food allergies and connect with the food allergic community. "'Allergic Girl' and AGR combine my commitment to helping people with my personal experience as someone with food allergies and my professional expertise as a social worker and writer," Sloane said.
In 2010, the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN) nominated Sloane to serve as a consumer reviewer for the Genetics Studies of Food Allergies Research Program to evaluate research proposals submitted to the program. It is recognition not only of her standing in the food allergy community, but of her dedication to improving the lives of those who deal with food allergies on a daily basis.
"I am thrilled and honored," said Sloane. "It is vital to have a consumer-facing advocate involved in the application review process. We are the voice that connects the perspectives and needs of the consumers to government policy-makers and researchers."