Complete and Resilient Documentation (CARD) for Operational Medical Environments

Principal Investigator: WANG, KUANG-CHING
Institution Receiving Award: CLEMSON UNIVERSITY
Program: DMRDP
Proposal Number: DM160374
Award Number: W81XWH-17-C-0238
Funding Mechanism: Health Information Technologies and Informatics - Hands-Free Electronic Health Record Data Entry Initiative
Partnering Awards:
Award Amount: $1,644,509.85
Period of Performance: 9/25/2017 - 9/30/2021


The project develops a technical platform that enables complete and reliable documenting of injuries and care for our Service members in battlefield environments. The platform removes the present distracting requirements of documentation while field medics deliver care to the injured. Video and audio are reliably collected in the field reliably under motion and noise. Subsequently, advanced speech recognition solution is used to process recorded video and audio from a camera and automatically store extracted information into the electronic health record system.

Recording complete and accurate information from the injury and care is critically important for both the delivery of optimal care and the processing of post-injury benefits claims, in both military and civilian environments. The proposed solution is a combination of mature recording and computing devices and bleeding edge speech recognition software. The latter is seeing intense growth in multiple industrial sectors now, and the proposed architecture will, by design, continue to improve its performance well after its deployment. The technology will fundamentally change the process of collecting medical documentation.

The technology will have immediate and significant benefits for Service members, Veterans, and their family members as they face the challenges from the very moment of an injury to, potentially, the rest of their lives. The platform is intended to record all injuries in the battlefield, while this project begins with assessing its use with explosion wounds, gunshot wounds, and blast injury with concussions. The technology not only reduces burden of the field medics at minimal to no risks, but it also presents opportunity for increased scope of information to be extracted from the recorded data. With technologists working with physicians in this project, we will have the first opportunity to explore what is possible, what is desirable, and recommend a path forward towards developing and adopting such an important and useful technology in and beyond the military medical care.