Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
FY11 Military Operational Medicine Joint Program Committee 5:
Primary Reviewers:
COL Carl Castro (Chair)
United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)
CAPT Russell Shilling (Co-Chair)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
LTC Constance Bell
United States Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA)
Lt Col Vikhyat Berbarta
US Air Force (USAF)
Dr. Salvatore Cirone
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense-Health Affairs (OASD-HA)
COL Bruce Crow
Warrior Resiliency Program
Mr. Kevin Curry
US Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA)
COL Carroll Diebold
Tripler Army Medical Center
COL Erin Edgar
Central Command (CENTCOM)
COL Geoffrey Ellerson
Maneuver Center of Excellence
Ms. Teri Glass
COL Jamie Grimes
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
Mr. Steven Hawbecker
Dr. Robert Heinssen
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Dr. Steve Kaminsky
Uniform Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
Dr. Terry Keane
Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. David Keeler
Marine Corps Systems Command
Mr. John Kincaid
US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Capabilities Development Directorate
Mr. Michael Leggieri
USAMRMC, Blast Injury Research Program Coordinating Office
Dr. Jon Mogford
CAPT Elizabeth Montcalm-Smith
Naval Medical Research Center
COL Robert Mott
Office of the Surgeon General
Lt Col Mark Packer
Hearing Center of Excellence
CDR Sheri Parker
Office of Naval Research
Lt Col Wanda Salzer
Defense Centers of Excellence
Col Linda Steel-Goodwin
COL Steven Swann
Special Operations Command
Dr. Karl Van Orden
Naval Health Research Center
Alternate Reviewers:
Dr. Susan Borja
Dr. Tammy Crowder
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
Lt Col David Dickey
USAF, Moncreif Army Community Hospital
Dr. Raj Gupta
USAMRMC, Blast Injury Research Program Coordinating Office
Mr. Kevin Joyner
Marine Corps Systems Command
Mr. Dan Kennedy
Dr. Richard Levine
COL Geoffrey Ling
Maj Thomas Magee
Special Operations Command
Dr. Alan Maiers
Brooke Army Medical Center
Maj Christine Murphy
Dr. Toya Randolph
LTC Brett Schneider
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Mr. Frank Stone III
CDR Matthew Swiergosz
Office of Naval Research
LTC Tom Waild
Army Capabilities Integration Center
Ad hoc Reviewers:
Ms. Judith Dekle